wheelchair with toilet is particularly suitable for elderly or disabled who have mobility problems to go to the bathroom. This bath chair will help them in their daily lives and their ease in important moments like going to the bathroom.
The backrest, armrests and seat are upholstered and padded , allowing easy cleaning.
This chair will withstand up to 135 kilos.
Apart from a seat and back comfort, it also includes folding footrest and tape support , which increases comfort. The wheels have a diameter of 12.5 and include brakes on the rear wheels.
you can remove the drawer, which allows placing the seat over the toilet in the bathroom.
Relatives and nurses will notice the benefits of this chair because it has wheels for easy mobility and removable tray for easy care and cleaning of the chair.
Buy a wheelchair with toilet second hand may not always be beneficial due to their deteriorated condition and poor hygiene. Buy this chair and ensure the best quality at a cheap price
Technical data.
Weight (kg): 17
maximum supported weight (kg): 135
Guarantee (years): 2
Support: 27 x 45 cm
Seat: 45 x 62 cm
overall: 82 x 56 x 76 cm